STAPLES BizTIPs: Attach your biz to hot news

By Small Business Expert, Roger Pierce, BizLaunch

Getting media coverage for your small business can dramatically boost sales. It’s much cheaper than paid advertising and, at times, far more credible. You could appear on television, get quoted in a newspaper or be featured on a blog.

The media industry needs experts to comment on current news stories and issues. For example, an image consultant we know recently appeared on a major market radio talk show where she discussed the look and image of party leaders running for re-election.

You’ve got to attach your expertise to the news of the day. Here’s how:
Send a Media Advisory. Send an email to your media database offering to comment on a hot news topic, such as the election, the economy, the Canadian dollar, gas prices or the environment. Explain why you are qualified to comment on a particular topic. For example, a tourism operator might speak about the effect of the weak US dollar on business.

Pursue a particular editor or reporter. Many journalists specialize in a particular “beat”, such as family, health, business, city news or politics. If your expertise is relevant to what they cover, approach them directly by email or phone.

Offer some statistics. Media love statistics, so collect numbers for them. Conduct customer surveys, compile industry data or report on buying trends. Send snippets of your data to your media contacts and offer to be interviewed.

Every day, media professionals must produce a lot of good content within tight deadlines. If you can help make their jobs a bit easier, you’ll be rewarded with some free publicity for your small business.

Roger Pierce

ROGER PIERCE is passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve success. Co-founder of Canada’s largest small business training company,, he’s launched eleven small businesses of his own and personally experienced what he calls “the good, the bad and the ugly” sides of entrepreneurship.

BizLaunch advises thousands of Canadian startups through its popular how-to seminars and webinars delivered with partners such as STAPLES.

By Adam

June 11, 2010