Worksheets for kids in grades 1 to 4
By Staples Canada
June 03, 2020
Teachers & Education
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Hey there happy learners!
Keep your brain engaged with these fun and free worksheets on Maps, Reading, Grammar and Math.
Click on the links below to view, download and print them out.

Grade 1 Worksheets
- Tim Can Read: understanding the reading process
- Trucks: finding the main ideas
- Circus Clowns: finding the main ideas
- Your Name: finding the main ideas
- Striped Critters: reading for details
- Capitalizing First Word: Practice and assessment
- Periods: Practice and assessment
- Capitalizing 1: Practice and assessment
- That's amazing: recognizing capital letters
- Squeek: capitalizing sentence beginnings
- Counting Sheep: capitalizing sentence beginnings
- Sweet Dreams: capitalizing sentence beginnings
- The Night Sky: recognizing periods
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: punctuating statements
- Juggling Act: subtracting from 10
- Ocean Life: subtracting from 10
- Trucking Along: subtracting from 10
- Night Lights: subtracting from 10
- Hop to It: /a>add and subtract<
- Mitten Matchup: adding/subtracting through 10
- Clowning Around: adding to 10
- Lovely Ladybugs: adding to 10
- Beautiful Bouquets: adding to 10
- Telephone Math: adding to 10
- High Flyer: adding to 10
- Picking out Patterns: work on patterns and numbers
- Mystery Critter: practice counting
- Snowflakes on Mittens: skip counting
- Patterns of Five: skip counting with fives
- Ladybug Dots: work on simple equations

Grade 2 Worksheets
- Try This: using context clues
- Moon Walk: finding the main ideas
- ABC: finding the main ideas
- Call the Police: finding the main ideas
- Rachel's Recipe: reading for details
- Telling Sentences and Questions
- Exclamations and Commands
- You're Sharp: capitalizing sentence beginnings
- Stick With It: capitalizing sentence beginnings
- A Whale of a Sentence: punctuating statements
- That Sounds Fishy to Me: writing statements
- Ask Mother Goose: punctuating questions
- Ask the Wolf: writing questions
- You’ve Got Mail! Adding 1-digit and 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- Counting on Good Manners: Adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- Just the Same: Adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- Planet Earth: Adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- Glorious and Free: Adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- Detective Work: Subtracting 1-digit numbers
- Spell It Out: adding to 10
- Beautiful Bouquets: subtracting from 10
- Crazy Creatures: adding and subtracting through 18
- Can You See It?: adding and subtracting through 18
- Scarcrow Sam: adding 1-digit and 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- Lone Donor: practice counting by filling in missing numbers
- Mystery Critter: practice counting
- Order Recorder: fill in the missing numbers and practice counting
- Missing Bone: work on odd and even numbers
- Amused Chooser: test math skills by comparing numbers

Grade 3 Worksheets
- Success with Maps: North America
- Success with Maps: South America
- Landforms
- Map Review
- Thinking About Maps
- Map Basics
- Understanding Directions
- The World on a Globe
- SQ3R: understanding the reading process
- The Invention of the Telephone: understanding the reading process
- The Milky Way: finding the main idea and details
- Wagon Train: finding the main idea and details
- What a Nose: finding the main idea and details
- Statements and Questions
- Exclamations and Commands
- Singular and Plural Nouns
- Dinnertime: identifying sentences and fragments
- A Real Meal: changing fragments to sentences
- Rock Your World: capitalizing and punctuating statements
- Rock and Roll: writing statements
- Wacky World: capitalizing and punctuating questions
- The Real World: writing questions
- Skating Shapes: Adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- Great Math Inventions: Adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- It All Adds Up! Adding 3-digit numbers without regrouping
- It’s Electrifying! Regrouping review: tens to hundreds
- A, B, C…: Adding 3-digit numbers with regrouping
- Let the Light Shine: Regrouping review hundreds to tens
- The Pet Show: adding and subtracting through 18
- Provinces and Territories: adding and subtracting through 18
- The True North Strong and Free: adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers without regrouping
- From Sea to Sea: regrouping review -- tens to ones
- Batter's Up: adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers with regrouping
- Space Chase Place Value: practice place value
- Newspaper Math: work on number sense
- Place-Value Puzzler: brush up on place value
- Bee Riddle: rounding to the nearest ten and hundred
- Discover Coordinates: ordered pairs and coordinates
- Tropical Tree: ordered pairs and coordinates

Grade 4 Worksheets
- Using a Map Scale
- Comparing Maps and Scales
- A Vegetation Map
- What is a Map?
- Globes and Hemispheres
- Map Projections
- Mail Call: finding the main idea
- Burger Time: using context ideas
- Amazing Animals: reading for detail
- Types of Sentences
- Simple and Complete Subjects and Predicates
- Sassy Sentences: writing complete sentences
- Link it Together: identifying parts of a sentence
- That's Groovy: identifying and writing four kinds of sentences
- A Whale of a Fish: Identifying order in sentences
- Number Sentences: writing Questions from Statements
- Wild Birds: Adding with regrouping
- The Majestic Eagle: Adding with multiple regrouping
- Funny Bone: Regrouping with multiple addends
- Canine Calculations: Identifying missing addends
- Money Fun: Adding money
- Bathtub Brunch: Adding 3-digit and 4-digit numbers
- A Sick Riddle: adding 1-digit, 2-digit and 3-digit numbers
- Blooming Octagon: adding 2-digit and 3-digit numbers with regrouping
- The Big Cheese: using parentheses with addition
- A-Mazing Eighteen: using parentheses with addition
- Climing High: adding without regrouping
- Reaching New Heights: adding with regrouping
- Comparing & Ordering Numbers: number order and comparisons
- Sign It: practice number words
- Mystery Number: number order and comparisons
- What Number Am I: work on place value
- A Place for Every Number: practice place value
- Bee riddle: improve rounding and estimating
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